WET SANDBLASTING The wet blasting cabinet or high-pressure water blast cabinet is typically used for surface improvement, cleaning, preparation of coatings, deburring and shot peening. Wet sandblasting equipment is especially done for finishing delicate, precision produced parts. The recirculation of the water and the abrasive mixture is achieved by high durability sludge pumps, which provide excellent technical and environmental benefits. The water blasting machine works on the reusable abrasive media process, which reduces the cost and time. The wet blasting cabinet (Wet blasting equipment) uses a seal-less slurry pump to convert the abrasive media and water into a slurry mixture. This slurry mixture is pumped directly to the abrasive blast gun where compressed air pressure moves the mixture with the desired pressure rating. The Exhaust Blower filter maintains a negative cabinet pressure that prevents the cabinet mist from escaping during the blast...